AIMS Puzzle Corner - Provides puzzles that make math learning fun.
BOBCAT - Best Of the Best Computer-Aided Teaching - By using this site, you may never have to purchase school materials again!!! All grade levels from K-College.
Daily Activity Calendars - Find an activity to do that coincides with the day. All grade levels from K-9.
Homework Central - This site is AWESOME! It boasts to have over 8,000 teacher lesson plans by grade and subject. And research for 2,200 school study subjects. Each link is to have been hand-picked for our children's safety. I've spent hours going through all the information and just touched the tip of the iceburg! Contains all subjects, current events, the Arts, and more!
NY Times Daily Lesson Plan - Each day a new lesson plan is posted that states what grades it is appropriate for.
School Express - This is a great site - with free worksheets and entire programs that you can download for three dollars each!
Worksheet Factory - Worksheet programs that you can download for free or for a trial. Looks like neat software.